Monday, May 01, 2006

Our 'Ascent' Into Blogdom

There has been much ado lately about the comments by Daniel Henninger of The Wall Street Journal in looking at the explosion of Web logs (or "blogs"). His analysis is that:

"the world of blogs may be filling up with people who for the previous 200 millennia of human existence kept their weird thoughts more or less to themselves."

Well, I guess I am now adding myself (and a few fellow contributors) as one of those 'people' who just can't bare to keep their "weird thoughts more or less" to themself. I hope and pray that this blog may become an educational, encouraging, inspiring, but more importantly - edifying addition to your busy daily schedule; and may guide us all into a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

I guess the determining post that convinced me personally, that I too should join in on this momentous shift into Cyberspace Theology, was the Karate Exegesis by the Pyromaniacs. I just sat there in awe, but also excitement, as I realized that the Lord has been speaking those same kind of common sensical words of wisdom to me in my own walk with Him. From that, I have taken the leap of faith into blogdom and look forward to sharing my thought, opinions, and just plain old rants with the entire world.

Soli Deo Gloria


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