Saturday, October 14, 2006

Those Battling Baptists...

Well, they do say that "All is fair in Love and War", right? So does this mean war?

Oh, you haven't heard? The forces of Calvinism are sweeping the SBC like a firestorm, and pastors everywhere are sounding the battle cry, "To Arms! To Arminians!" Well, the guys at Fide-O have highlighted a recent skirmish, that serves as a striking reminder of the state of our beloved Convention, in their post Baptist Battles Against Calvinism.

And dare I say, that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, not human-made weapons, but mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strongholds? Dare I say that?

Marching On To Zion-
Bro. Hank ><>


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