Paraphrased Scripture + T-Shirt = Suspension
Lately you've heard of students being discliplined for wearing t-shirts bearing Rebel Battle-Flags inciting racism, or flying Mexican Flags inciting immigration debates, and just about any other action that upsets ANYONE.
So what about wearing a T-shirt bearing an idea straight from scripture?
Well, evidently that is against Oakmont High School's 'tolerant' policies:
"A dozen high school students who were suspended Thursday for wearing T-shirts expressing their religious beliefs are considering filing a lawsuit.
Kathleen Sirovy, principal of Oakmont High School, insisted the school's actions were justified as many students "were upset" because the shirts "were rude".
So what exactly did these upsetting and rude t-shirts have to say?
"Homosexuality is sin. Jesus can set you free."
Oh yeah that is RUDE! How dare someone try to quote scripture on an article of clothing. Next thing you know, they will be handing out gospel tracts! Christians...psh...always walking around like they got the Word of God in their back pocket. I mean really, aren't they supposed to be tolerant???
Actually, nowhere in the Word is it said that believers are to be tolerant of sin. In fact, we find just the opposite.
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." - Ephesians 5:11
The word tolerance in it's deepest meaning alludes to a belief that the 'thing tolerated' has a rightful place in soceity or culture as a whole. Webster's says that tolerance is: sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own. Sympathy for sin is not a luxury that Christians are called to afford. Sympathy for the sinner is a different story.
Plain and simple - Sin has no rightful place in soceity, and therefore should not be 'indulged'. These kids sporting quotes from Galatians 5:1,19, are right in their actions, techniques, and adherence to Truth. If only, those offend would look past it's 'shock value' and see it for what it is: An appeal for repentance, and offer of Salvation and freedom from the bondage of sin through Christ Jesus
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