Worship Wars?
This morning in a local baptist church, I listened to a young preacher from Indiana give the sermon (2004 SBTS graduate). I couldn't help but smile at the spirit that he had. Ready to go out and tackle the world, taking no prisoners. Perhaps it was his youth, or perhaps it was because he was 'just passing thru', but he said somethings that that particular church had needed to hear for a while -- but no preacher had the unction to tell them. Well he said it.
His text was out of Micah, the well known "What does the Lord require of thee?" verse. His message was on True Worship. The point that I'm am quite sure he ruffled some feathers was upon his discussing what he deemed, "Worship Wars", or the battle between Contemp. worship vs. Traditional worship. During this portion of his sermon, he got a number of hearty "AMEN"s and I'm sure a few icy stares from both sides. And he got me wondering...
Why is there a 'war' in the first place? Is it worth fighting? And who is on the 'right' side?
What do you think?
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