Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick

Those were the words of Teddy Roosevelt...I think. But they couldn't be truer in our discussion of faith in issues such as birth control. As the other Journeymen have demonstrated, you need not 'storm the castle in one felled swoop' to get your point across. Or as the radio commercial says, you don't have to "yell I'm important into a cell phone" for folks to think you are important. Or as I like to say, I'll take a silent machine gunner over a loud-mouth archer anyday.

What am I trying to get at? What, it's not obvious? hehe...

When dealing with issues of the Faith, especially issues that are "EXTRAbiblical", our starting point must always be the Bible (or the Big Stick). As Nobody alluded to, we all come to the table with different backgrounds, and different experiences in life -- but one of the most important uniters of the Body is the Word of God. When the mutual parties realize and agree that what they are seeking is Truth, as defined by Scripture, there will be no need to "go to the mattresses" (to steal a Godfather quote)*. Even something such as birth control, which some deem as extrabiblical, must still have it's foundations somewhere in the Word of God. Nothing we do should ever be 'apart' from it's precepts. Although there are no proof texts for numerous issues, we have a Spirit that guides us unto Truth, and that is all the proof we need to make our decisions.

I agree with Edmund that this issue comes down to the power that man has 'usurped' from God. I, again, can not find a verse or it's implication that alludes to God delegating his Authority of 'creation of man' over to Man. Basically, I'm concerned that our basis for birth control is built, not on the will of God, but on the will of man. I may very well be wrong, as both of my fellow bloggers have aptly and ably proved, but the reservation still remains. I fear treading territory that man was never meant to tread, and wielding power that is not ours to wield.

It's been clearly stated by both sides, what God's purpose for marriage is. I think we're both pulling on the same string on that one. But it has not been proven that God has given man the "right to choose" birth control, although it is clear that He has given us the "power" to use it. Extrabiblical or not, without that proof - how can we venture to assume that we have that right? ( I speak it, Luther is rolling over in his grave.)

I know that if a man is truly searching for the will of God in prayer, in Scripture, and in the Spirit of Truth - he will find what he seeks...and I dare not bind his conscience with my own. I only caution, that he does not trust his own heart, but seeks always to please and honor God's. We can do no more, and we are called to do no less.

Dialogue is welcomed -
Bro. Hank


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