Monday, September 04, 2006

S.O.L. warns of 'inclusivism'.

Below is an article from Slice of Laodicea on the ultimate end of the emergent church theology, and it's proponents. It reminded me once again that "there is no new thing under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

><> Bro. Hank

Emergent Inclusivism And Brian McLaren
"One of the most prominent leaders within the Ecumenical Church of Deceit is Emergent leader Brian McLaren. McLaren is slated as plenary speaker at Going Forward Together: Third Millennium Christianity taking place November 16-19, 2006 at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia.

I have been trying to warn the Body of Christ about the Hollow Men of the Emergent Church who are attempting to bring inclusivism into the Lord's Church. The "Mission Document" of this coming event states: "Christians today wrestle with the question of authority." But as I point out in this article no authentic Christians "wrestle" with "the question of authority" because the Holy Spirit within us gives us a love and reverence for the Bible as we bring glory to God when we willingly obey Jesus Christ.

What we are witnessing right now is a new evangelicalism begining to be pumped into the hollow shell of Christianity left after the neo-liberal cult of the Emergent Church and mainline denominations - killed by the original liberal theology of their forebears - have pumped out all of the true meaning of our terminology.

And as they do evangelical leaders only stand there watching as the "religious polarization" of "a new common ground is emerging where deeper religious understanding and broader engagement" with apostate denominations and pagan religions which will ultimately lead to their openly preaching universalism together."


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