Sunday, October 15, 2006

Anti-Semitism In Christology?

Sidney G. Hall, senior pastor of Trinity United Methodist(Austin, Tx.), might just agree. Or, he might say, Paul's theology has 'come off' as anti-semitic down through the centuries. Either way, Hall believes that it must be reconciled. In his book entitled, "Christian Anti-Semitism and Paul's Theology", Hall says this, in his chapter on Christology, Liberation, and the Jewish People:

"The synagogue's major obstacle in embracing the church as a trustworthy friend is Christianity's christology, or doctrine of Christ. Christocentric theology in the church places a wall between Christians and Jews. When christology and theology become doctrinally enmeshed, the church's belief system has no room for God to be active in any other faith community outside Christianity. Christians who adhere to this perspective herald, either intentionally or unintentionally, that non-Christian religious communities are theologically dead. This win-lose mentality presents Christianity as the only living faith, a perspective that diminishes the church's life and integrity."

Do What!?!?!

Sadly, this man is serious. A shining example of Romans 1:22.

So what do y'all think? Should we take the centrality of Christ out of our churches, so that 'other faith communities' won't feel inferior?

Bro. Hank <

p.s. - my new signature is gonna be the "<" sign, rather than the fish "><>". the fish is cool, but the "<" sign reminds me of John 3:30, "He must increase, but I must decrease."


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