Thursday, May 04, 2006

Moussaoui Spared - Justice Done?

The BBC reports:
"Al-Qaeda plotter Zacarias Moussaoui is to face life in jail, rather than execution, for his role in the 9/11 attacks, a US jury has decided."

They say time has a way of healing old wounds, and I guess that even goes for those so deep as 9/11. It is hard to imagine, if Moussaoui's trail had been in 2001 or even 2002, that he would walk away with his life. But in 2006, he did indeed walk away alive, and indignent. After his sentence was read aloud in court, Moussaoui gleefully shouted, "America, You Lost!"

Did we, Mr. Moussaoui? It seems the only folks you'll have to share your thoughts with now are the likes of Terry Nichols, and Ted Kaczynski. I hear the federal pen is piece of cake, compared to County or State. Considered yourself blessed. I'm certain there are many an inmate who has not forgotten the terror you masterminded that September morning, and are just aching to give you a prison welcome.

I am concerned however about the American system of "justice" as we call it. I am not ignorant enough to expect true justice this side of eternity (nor would I be pleased with verdict at the Judgement Seat- if not for the precious blood of the Lamb), but I am constantly amazed at our judicial hypocrisy. We forego executions for folks like Nichols, Moussaoui, and Kaczynski -- but the very weakest of our Nation are executed in nearly every major city for trivial reasons such as - they were unexpected, unwanted, or conceived unwed. The justice system is fine killing those whom do not deserve it (as far as secular law goes- no treason has been committed, no murder, in fact, no action whatsoever, except being conceived), and yet there is no media uproar, crying INJUSTICE!

Speaking of the Moussaoui case, the former Mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani added, the verdict had reinforced his faith in the US justice system. "The greater value is demonstrating what America is like, he said. "America won tonight." Well, Mayor, that is very patriotic of you -- demonstrating what America is like and all; but while you are at it, why don't you explain how being Pro-Choice "demonstrates what America is like"?

America, we have lost something. Our mind and our conscience. As a country, we must return to the Word of God, repent of our ideas of "justice" and cling to those of God. Like all of us - Moussaoui will be judged by the Judge of all Judges - and depending upon His state of Faith in Christ - then justice will be done.


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