Monday, October 16, 2006

Picturing The Absurd, from

The following was posted by Jim B., over at

I apologize for leaving y'all without any background info on some of these jokes, but I couldn't wait to pass this along...

bro. Hank <

P.S. - I actually just bought one of those 'infamous' Reformation Study Bible last week! Whoop! I love it!
(HT: - Picturing the Absurd)

"Last week, a convert from Islam, now serving as the seminary President at Jerry Falwell's college, identified a group that he labeled as "worse than Muslims". Who are they? You might be surprised to find out that the Puritans were among them, so was the evangelist George Whitefield, and so was the hymn writer of Amazing Grace. Remember Matthew Henry whose bible commentaries are on most pastor's bookshelves? He's one of them too, as are numerous missionaries and martyrs in church history. If I were Jerry Falwell right about now, I'd be thinking that I have a loose cannon onboard the SS Liberty. This post takes a not-so-politically-correct look at the 'Jihad' that one man brought upon himself with his outrageous behavior.

If you haven't heard about the (now cancelled) formal debate involving
Ergun Caner and James White, you can get caught up by watching the
unofficial video. In the wake of all of that, Ergun Caner of Liberty University posted a set of Q&A's on his blog last week, including this reckless excerpt:


A: Yes, absolutely. For a small portion of these people, just daring
to question the Bezian movement is heresy. They will blog and
e-mail incessantly. I call it a "Calvinist Jihad", because just like
Muslims, they believe they are defending the honor of their view.
They can discuss nothing else. I have even had a few call for my
head! Dr. Falwell and I have laughed about it, because they are so
insistent, and they miss the point completely. There are plenty of
schools to which the neo-Calvinists can go, but Liberty will be a
lighthouse for missions and evangelism to the "whosoever wills".
Period. The difference is, Muslims know when to quit -
for these guys, it is the only topic about which they can talk.

The Liberty crew need not be the only ones laughing however, especially amidst the humorously absurd comparisons between Calvinists and Muslims. And lets be honest here, with the world being what it is today, Ergun Caner knows that for most of us - these kind of comparisons are likely to bring to mind these Muslims, and not these. So, what could Ergun Caner possibly be thinking? Perhaps if we could have his thoughts on film, they might look something like this:

"James White is the biggest Jihadist of them all!
He's worse than the most radical Muslims"

"They will stop at nothing short of world domination,
and then they'll prevent Christians everywhere
from reaching out to the whosoever will"

"If we would have had better screening and tighter border security,
we could have kept them out of this land to begin with.
Where was the Coast Guard back in 1620?"

"... but now they've managed to spread their dangerous beliefs,
and labor to pass them on to their children through catechism.
Those poor kids, I can only imagine what they must teach them"

"They only know one way to discuss their
unpopular and outdated views"

"They pedal these Reformation Study Bibles everywhere.
I'm so sick of those study notes reminding us of our
total reliance upon a sovereign God"

"One of them was even called the Prince of Preachers.
A prince is like a dangerous Sultan, right? Whatever!
inciting Jihad"

"This one trains pastors to be Lordship-terrorists
at his destructive Shepherds Conference training grounds"


In all seriousness, and speaking just for myself, I admit that Ergun Caner
got at least one thing right about Calvinists such as myself:

Though it's not all that I talk about (I spend much more time talking about the Church Growth Movement on this blog), I do love to talk about Calvinism. Why? Not because I want to "defend the honor of my view", but because Calvinism is just a nickname for how I understand God's grace. Isn't saving grace worth discussing, and dwelling on, and thinking about?

So to our brothers at Liberty University, I say: You've had a good Lynchburg-laugh; we've laughed too - at the absurdity of being compared to the followers of a volatile false religion. Let's now get back to talking about the grace of God. After all, if our understanding of that is wrong, how can we expect to be right in our missions and evangelism to the whosoever will?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite is the TULIP will dominate the world picketer. Too funny. Yet even still, there is some truth in sarcasm, so it would probably do us all a little good to try to learn something here.

Love you bro, see you soon...


Oh, and can't wait to tell you about the great KY!

8:03 PM  

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