Kennedy: 'I Was Disoriented From the Medication'
Fox News reported today:
"Rep. Patrick Kennedy crashed his car near the Capitol early Thursday, and a police official said he appeared intoxicated. Kennedy said he had taken sleep medication and a prescription anti-nausea drug that can cause drowsiness. "
So, let me get this straight Mr. Kennedy. You say you were disoriented from some medication you had taken? So disoriented in fact, that you got in your car at 2:45am and drove down to the Captiol believing you "needed to vote" (when voting had ended a good 6 hours earlier?) Sounds plausible...
I say we ask for the badge of that two-bit cop that said you "appeared to be staggering when [you] left the vehicle after the crash about 3 a.m". I mean, evidently all that training they take to be able to identify signs of intoxication was wasted on this officer.
I wonder if Mr. Kennedy got his "one phone call" at the scene, because evidently "the officers involved in the accident were instructed by an official "above the rank of patrolman" to take Kennedy home." Without a sobriety test I might add...(For more on this: go to ScappleFaces "High Court May Replace Miranda Rights With Kennedy Right")
ATTN Rhode Island: I know you are extremely close to Mass., but that does not excuse YOU from using common sense in electing your govern'mental' officials. For a guy that's been to drug rehab, and is open about his bipolar disorder -- I would hope he's doing a fantastic job representing you on the floor of the House -- cause it sounds like that's where he spends his time when he leaves Capitol Hill as well...
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