Gays in the Church
While I definitely don't agree with the bulk of the comments made by many members of the "religious community" on Larry King, at least it resulted in bringing something to public attention that needs to be talked about. Because whether one likes it or not, the Bible makes it pretty clear that 1) sin seperates us from God, 2) homosexuality is a sin, and 3)Hell is a literal place of eternal seperation from God and we ultimately choose it for ourselves if we refuse to accept His soverignity in our lives.
What is heartbreaking is the number of people on blogs I've read that seem to think Christianity is just about how they feel with God. And if it feels right, regardless of the sin, then clearly, they say, it is. And it is, literally, a damning perspective.
The biggest arguement one seems to hear is, I was born that way so it's okay. Let's look at that.
What does it matter if they are born that way? Obviously, we're all born into a sinful flesh that has different predispositions. Some people are habitual liars, thiefs, adulters, or practicing homosexuals. Homosexuality would be a terrible sin to suffer from because of the condemnation that society throws its way. And I agree that someone who is a liar (fill in the blank with any other sin) is just as guilty as a practicing homosexual. But we can choose whether we are the master of our flesh through Christ and the Spirit or whether we are slaves to sin (Romans 7).
Romans 8 makes it clear: "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." But to be IN Christ, you have to turn to Him in repentant faith. Which means that you are going to mess up and you are going to keep sinning. But you aren't allowing the sin to rule your life and define you.
It comes down to if you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Because if you do, you'll accept that God revealed everything men needed to know then (as it talks about in the end of Revelation). God loves us all. Jesus inspired the saying "Hate the sin but love the sinner." But by His Holy nature, sin will be cast into Hell, an eternal seperation from God. But if we hold onto it (myself included), it's not His fault where we are going to end up.
I'm not judging, and I'm speaking the truth in love. But truth, by nature, is exclusive. For instance, both Christianity and Islam can't be correct; they contradict each other. And in the same way, the philosophy on homosexuality can't run both ways too. And if no one speaks the truth, and praise God for those who have, then how will those people know that they need Christ?