The Heart of the Matter

"The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked.
Who really knows how bad it is?" Jeremiah 17:9
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"Follow your heart!" That's what the world says. They will tell you that you have everything you will ever need deep inside you. But, oh, how far from the truth they are. In fact, it is only in looking away from our "pity-full" selves and gazing upon Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, that we are truly able to find our way in life.
Down with 'self-confidence' and up with 'Christ-confidence'! Down with 'self-esteem'! Esteem only that which Christ can give. Take heed not to fall into the lies of the decietful heart. You may feel one way one moment, and another way the next -- but Truth of Christ is unchanging and without variation. His statues are pure and holy! Let the world follow itself, let the Christian follow his God.
Look unto Him! from whom cometh your salvation and sanctification!
Seek His Heart!
Bro. Hank
I only had time to skim and I will read in its intirety later.
1. I'm glad you put so much thought and consideration into this matter.
2. As a married man, I disagree with your stance. I did not get married simply for procreative purposes, but rather to have a helpmeet (for it was not good for man to be alone).
3. The idea that if one does not want to have children right away then one should not get married viloates I Cor 7:9 (it is better to marry than to lust).
4. Applying Onan's "spilling of seed" in Genesis 38 to contraception is incorrect considering that God was displeased with Onan for not continuing the line of Er. The point was for a man's brother to marry his wife in the event of his death so that the wife is taken care of in her old age. Onan knew the child would not be "his" and so he sinned against God.
4. Are you against timing? That is to say, timing sexal intercourse around a woman's ovulation so as to prevent pregnancy without contraception.
5. Why do you hope God will "touch" the hearts of those who read since that is contrary to free will? Why is the Word not enough to convict a man's heart? Where in the New Testament does it say that God will make anyone believe the way He wants them to? Wouldn't God then be picking and choosing who sins and who doesn't and thus picking which person is saved? That is Calvinism and is rooted in the idea that man is totaly depraved and can do nothing for his own salvatin.
Dalton Vann
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