Up and Coming - "The Bondage of the Pill"

It seems that the blogosphere (at least my little corner of it anyways) is replete with commentary on Christian birth control. Nearly all honest Christians believe that abortion is wrong. Within that group however; some even have doubts on the morality of birth control, and its place in a Christian marriage.
The issue is certainly one of importance, and should not be gently set aside as another one of the 'finer points' of doctrine that must take it's seat among its comrades of "tithing", "alcoholic abstinence", "contemporary vs. traditional worship", etc. God did not turn to Adam in Genesis, and first of all command him to "Tithe, tea-total, and sing "I Can Only Imagine" all over the earth".
What He in fact said, to this first man, this first human father and mother was "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..." Gen. 1:28.(And God repeated this command 7 times in Genesis alone! - thank you CSB)
In these next few days, I hope to do some more blogging, some more linking, and some more good old fashion provocating in support of one of God's first commands to the human race, "Be fruitful."
If I'm outta line or outta whack - feel free to knock me upside the head -figuratively speaking...of course ;), and set me straight. I want your dialogue, your diatribes, and your "die Hank die"s ....hehe.
Up next -- an interview with a local Pro-life activist, and his comments on some of these issues...
Until then, "Go in peace, and serve the Lord".
Bro. Hank
Some good background reading:
Can Christians Use Birth Control? - Fillup.org
Contraception - Frank Turk -the Centuri0n
Albert Mohler's Radio show on Christian Birth Control
What Does Genesis 38 Teach? - The Banty Rooster
"Am I In God's Stead?" The Bondage of the Pill - Part I
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