Fun (and Hot) Friday ... in Texas anyways.

As the temperature outside chips away at the 100 degree mark, enjoy the AC and let me fill you in on a few blogs around cyberspace, and other interesting tidbits...
Dan Phillips of The Pyromaniacs wrote this week about getting a Righteous slap-down by his kids. The post is deeper than you'd think (as always is the case with the pyros), and offers up a few giggles along the way.
Phillip Bethancourt of is questioned about the goals, strategies, and possible dangers of Christian blogging in Part 3 of an interview by Travis Mitchell of Stepping In Faith. Phillip offers up some good advice for all would-be bloggers.
Pastor Phillip Way opines in this post on three common questions of the Christian faith, such as "Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that 'God helps those who help themselves?", and "I don't have to go to church because I can worship God anywhere, right?" Pastor Way handles these questions and more with a wholly biblical perspective, and does great justice to the text. Definitely worth a look-see.
Scrapple Face tackles the tough issue of stem cell research in his post entitled, "Bush Veto Kills Hopes for Lawmaker Spinal Cure". While you're there, peruse the rest of his Top Stories for some light-hearted pokes at world events. He is sure to keep you on your toes.
In my neck of the woods...
I'm continuing my read of Piper's "The Pleasures of God". This week has been a busy one, so I haven't made much progress, but I am turning some pages. I've recently started reading some of William Plumer's "Theology for the People" as well. It's definitely not a casual read, but it does "punctuate the day to more loftier heights". (Thank you, Rev. King)
Stay tuned.
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